We are a specialized AI consultancy boutique

We are a specialized AI consultancy boutique



  • Virtual CIO

  • Risk Management

  • Data Visualization

  • Data Analytics

  • Machine Learning

  • Predictive Modelling

  • AI Transformation

  • Virtual CIO

  • Risk Management

  • Data Visualization

  • Data Analytics

  • Machine Learning

  • Predictive Modelling

  • AI Transformation

  • Virtual CIO

  • Risk Management

  • Data Visualization

  • Data Analytics

  • Machine Learning

  • Predictive Modelling

  • AI Transformation

  • Wealth Managers

  • Family Offices

  • Hedge Funds

  • Pension Funds

  • SW Funds

  • Commodity Trading

  • Asset Managers

  • Wealth Managers

  • Family Offices

  • Hedge Funds

  • Pension Funds

  • SW Funds

  • Commodity Trading

  • Asset Managers

  • Wealth Managers

  • Family Offices

  • Hedge Funds

  • Pension Funds

  • SW Funds

  • Commodity Trading

  • Asset Managers

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Our Services

Our Services

Virtual Chief Investment Office

Augment your Chief Investment Office with non-invasive custom tools and headcount saving Virtual CIO services. We can help at every stage of the investment workflow, from research, portfolio construction and trading, to portfolio monitoring and risk management using data and AI.

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Virtual Chief Investment Office

Augment your Chief Investment Office with non-invasive custom tools and headcount saving Virtual CIO services. We can help at every stage of the investment workflow, from research, portfolio construction and trading, to portfolio monitoring and risk management using data and AI.

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Virtual Chief Investment Office

Augment your Chief Investment Office with non-invasive custom tools and headcount saving Virtual CIO services. We can help at every stage of the investment workflow, from research, portfolio construction and trading, to portfolio monitoring and risk management using data and AI.

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Risk Management

Tame the beast that is risk. Our risk management services help you to identify, evaluate, and minimize risk before it minimizes your performance. A key component to any successful investment strategy in today’s turbulent markets.

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Risk Management

Tame the beast that is risk. Our risk management services help you to identify, evaluate, and minimize risk before it minimizes your performance. A key component to any successful investment strategy in today’s turbulent markets.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Risk Management

Tame the beast that is risk. Our risk management services help you to identify, evaluate, and minimize risk before it minimizes your performance. A key component to any successful investment strategy in today’s turbulent markets.

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Data Visualisation & Data Analytics

Make your data talk with our Data Visualization & Data Analytics offerings. We craft custom advanced solutions to help you unlock your data value and empower strategic decision making throughout your organization.

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Data Visualisation & Data Analytics

Make your data talk with our Data Visualization & Data Analytics offerings. We craft custom advanced solutions to help you unlock your data value and empower strategic decision making throughout your organization.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Data Visualisation & Data Analytics

Make your data talk with our Data Visualization & Data Analytics offerings. We craft custom advanced solutions to help you unlock your data value and empower strategic decision making throughout your organization.

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Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling

Predict the future with Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling. We help organizations leverage machine learning algorithms and predictive modeling to make informed business decisions.

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Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling

Predict the future with Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling. We help organizations leverage machine learning algorithms and predictive modeling to make informed business decisions.

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Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling

Predict the future with Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling. We help organizations leverage machine learning algorithms and predictive modeling to make informed business decisions.

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AI Transformation

Future-proof your business with AI transformation services. We use the latest in artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform how you make decisions.

Premium UX Template for Framer

AI Transformation

Future-proof your business with AI transformation services. We use the latest in artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform how you make decisions.

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AI Transformation

Future-proof your business with AI transformation services. We use the latest in artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform how you make decisions.

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Our Market Updates

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AI-Powwered Weekly Market Roundup Sep 2, 2024 - Mixed Signals as U.S. Tech Dips and European Stocks Surge

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AI-Powwered Weekly Market Roundup Sep 2, 2024 - Mixed Signals as U.S. Tech Dips and European Stocks Surge

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AI-Powwered Weekly Market Roundup Sep 2, 2024 - Mixed Signals as U.S. Tech Dips and European Stocks Surge

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AI-Powered Weekly Market Roundup August 26, 2024, Global Gains on Rate Cut Hopes, China Struggles

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AI-Powered Weekly Market Roundup August 26, 2024, Global Gains on Rate Cut Hopes, China Struggles

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AI-Powered Weekly Market Roundup August 26, 2024, Global Gains on Rate Cut Hopes, China Struggles

Sample Showcases

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Our Approach to Predicting Recession Using Machine Learning



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Our Approach to Predicting Recession Using Machine Learning



Our Approach to Predicting Recession Using Machine Learning



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Our Approach to Medium Term Asset Allocation with Machine Learning



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Our Approach to Medium Term Asset Allocation with Machine Learning



Our Approach to Medium Term Asset Allocation with Machine Learning



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Peer Group Insight with Data Visualization



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Peer Group Insight with Data Visualization



Peer Group Insight with Data Visualization



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From our quick flicks

Discover brief project snapshots with short video clips, perfect for busy yet curious minds interested in exploring our showcased work

Why choose us


Comprehensive solutions


Comprehensive solutions


Comprehensive solutions


Comprehensive solutions

Comprehensive solutions require a combination of skills and expertise to tackle challenges with the largest impact in your business. We offer services that fit your needs and nothing is overlooked.

blue star
blue star
blue star

Our hourly rates are a fraction of what you would pay at a traditional consulting firm. This means that you can get excellent quality expertise without burning a hole in your wallet. You can maximize the limited budget you have for enhancing your business and get more value for your money.

Blue Cube
Blue Cube
Blue Cube


Affordable Expertise


Affordable Expertise

This is not about making nice PowerPoint presentations. This is not some academic exercise where we talk and then everybody goes off and tries to implement something. We believe in creating a plan of action and then executing it. We work with you through an engaged process to ensure the quality of the solution as well as the execution.

Green Cylinder
Green Cylinder
Green Cylinder


We don’t just talk about it, we do it.


We don’t just talk about it, we do it.

We believe we offer the best blend of specialist services with practical experience. We not only know these areas, but we also have extensive successful hands-on experience in them.

Orange Sphere
Orange Sphere
Orange Sphere


Specialist Hands-on Experience


Specialist Hands-on Experience


Real-Life Trading & Portfolio Management Experience with AI


Real-Life Trading & Portfolio Management Experience with AI

We know trading. We also happen to know coding well. But more importantly, we’ve spent years implementing in real-life situations and that’s what makes us different and able to deliver superior results.

We have a huge advantage over other firms and researchers who focus only on academic research. We have managed portfolios. We have traded. We know what works and what doesn’t in the real-life implementation of AI solutions in trading and portfolio management. We focus on building practical, effective, and working AI-based models for asset management and trading. We understand market flow. We know how markets operate in the deep. We traded every day and we have built AI models that work in real-life.

Purple Circle
Purple Circle
Purple Circle

Our Partner & Principal Consultant is a is a global pioneer in human-augmented investment with over 20 years of proven track record. Thanks to her experience, we can help you achieve better investment performance by leveraging your human specialists and orbiting them with best-of-breed AI.

Yellow Heart
Yellow Heart
Yellow Heart


Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence-Driven Investment Solutions


Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence-Driven Investment Solutions

We not only know how to implement ML algorithms well but also understand the theoretical background and subtleties. Our strong academic background backs the practical skills to guarantee high quality of delivered solutions.


Theoretical and Practical skills


Theoretical and Practical skills

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Los Flamingos Research & Advisory and what services do you provide?

What is Los Flamingos Research & Advisory and what services do you provide?

What is Los Flamingos Research & Advisory and what services do you provide?

What is the role of a Virtual Chief Investment Office (vCIO)?

What is the role of a Virtual Chief Investment Office (vCIO)?

What is the role of a Virtual Chief Investment Office (vCIO)?

How can AI be used in investment management?

How can AI be used in investment management?

How can AI be used in investment management?

Why is good risk management important for my investments?

Why is good risk management important for my investments?

Why is good risk management important for my investments?

How can data visualization and analytics help my business?

How can data visualization and analytics help my business?

How can data visualization and analytics help my business?

Why Los Flamingos Research & Advisory? What are your unique strengths or value propositions?

Why Los Flamingos Research & Advisory? What are your unique strengths or value propositions?

Why Los Flamingos Research & Advisory? What are your unique strengths or value propositions?

What are some examples of successful projects delivered by the firm?

What are some examples of successful projects delivered by the firm?

What are some examples of successful projects delivered by the firm?

What industries does Los Flamingos Research & Advisory serve?

What industries does Los Flamingos Research & Advisory serve?

What industries does Los Flamingos Research & Advisory serve?

Still have a questions?

We're happy to help!

What Our Referees Say

What Our Referees Say

  • "In 2020, the Income funds were among the best performing within the Multi-Asset class at Candriam. Both funds received awards for their excellent performance, and I am particularly grateful for Isabelle’s contribution to this success."

    Koen Maes

    Head of Private Mandates & Member of the Executive Committee, Candriam

  • "Isabelle structured the entire investment process for managing various European equity portfolios systematically using Machine Learning techniques at the forefront of quantitative management techniques."

    Frederic Methlow, Ph.D.

    Chief Investment Officer, Swiss Pension Fund AHV/AV

  • "In 2020, the Income funds were among the best performing within the Multi-Asset class at Candriam. Both funds received awards for their excellent performance, and I am particularly grateful for Isabelle’s contribution to this success."

    Koen Maes

    Head of Private Mandates & Member of the Executive Committee, Candriam

  • "Isabelle structured the entire investment process for managing various European equity portfolios systematically using Machine Learning techniques at the forefront of quantitative management techniques."

    Frederic Methlow, Ph.D.

    Chief Investment Officer, Swiss Pension Fund AHV/AV

  • "Isabelle excels in conveying messages and interpretations, translating the technicalities of her innovative machine learning applications into financial markets."

    Andrea Brasili, Ph.D.

    Head of European Economic Research, Amundi / Pioneer

  • "We would like to particularly emphasize that Isabelle successfully introduced innovative portfolio management strategies for Swiss Re, such as: skew arbitrage, correlation arbitrage, statistical arbitrage and event arbitrage."

    Dominique Zen-Ruffinen

    Head of Quant & Trading, Swiss Re AM

  • "Isabelle excels in conveying messages and interpretations, translating the technicalities of her innovative machine learning applications into financial markets."

    Andrea Brasili, Ph.D.

    Head of European Economic Research, Amundi / Pioneer

  • "We would like to particularly emphasize that Isabelle successfully introduced innovative portfolio management strategies for Swiss Re, such as: skew arbitrage, correlation arbitrage, statistical arbitrage and event arbitrage."

    Dominique Zen-Ruffinen

    Head of Quant & Trading, Swiss Re AM

  • "Isabelle excels in conveying messages and interpretations, translating the technicalities of her innovative machine learning applications into financial markets."

    Andrea Brasili, Ph.D.

    Head of European Economic Research, Amundi / Pioneer

  • "Isabelle demonstrated a high level of creativity in translating the market fundamentals into profitable trading strategies."

    Mahmoud Hamada, Ph.D

    Head of Quant Research, Essent / RWE Trading

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© 2024 Los Flamingos Research & Advisory. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Want to empower your future today?

Get in touch to discuss partnering on your goals

© 2024 Los Flamingos Research & Advisory. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Want to empower your future today?

Get in touch to discuss partnering on your goals

© 2024 Los Flamingos Research & Advisory. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED